North Warren Volunteer Fire and Rescue Company 10

Welcome To The North Warren Fire Station's Official Website.

266 Rockland Ct, Front Royal, VA 22630     Fire and Rescue Company 10     (540) 635-6759 


Mission Statement: The purpose of North Warren Volunteer Fire & Rescue of Warren County Virginia is to provide emergency and public services to any resident within Warren County, visitor to our county, or any mutual jurisdiction requesting assistance. These services may include but are not limited to fire prevention, suppression activities, emergency medical service, rescue, or education and public services. 


Did you know smoke detectors are a huge live saving tool? Smoke detectors quickly identify smoke in the air and alert occupants of a building to a fire. Warren County Fire and Rescue has an annual program where we install smoke alarms free of charge to anyone and everyone who would like them. This program is aided by the American Red Cross Organization, without the Red Cross, and our staff proffesional and volunteer none of this would be possible. 

Close Before You Doze.

Closing your door before you sleep can greatly increase your chance of survival should a house/apartment fire start. Closing your door and having working smoke detectors on all floors is a great way to improve fire safety.

This page is maintained by the volunteers at North Warren Volunteer Fire and Rescue, all rights and trademarks are reserved for their respective owners.